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Unit Pengembangan Bahasa

Unit Pengembangan Bahasa
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Welcoming TOEFL and TOAFL into STAIN Curup

Diagram above shows a proses in implementing TOEFL –TOAFL for STAIN students before graduation. A long process and deep consideration with one purpose: Quality of STAIN Output. In the middle of the process, UPB held a workshop on TOEFL – TOAFL in order to socialize the two tests in STAIN. The event was opened for all lecturers and staff of STAIN Curup and also English teachers in Rejang Lebong. The invitation also went to students from all study program in STAIN and other colleges in Rejang Lebong. The agenda was devided into two session: the talkshow/presentation held in STAIN hall and the TOEFL held in UPB language laboratory. For the talkshow, H. Safnil Arsyad, M.A., Ph. D., from Universitas Bengkulu spoke about TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) and Dr. H. Muchlis Bahar, Lc., MA., from Postgraduate and Language centre of IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang explained about TOAFL (Test of Arabic as a Foreign Language). The workshop was opened by Vice head 1 for academic, Mr. Sugiatno, S. Ag., M. Pd. I. Mr Sugit gave his great appreciation to UPB for helding the important event especially for lecturers who plan to continue their education to Master and doctoral degree. He also stated that TOEFL and TOAFL would become one consideration for STAIN students before graduation. Mrs. Leffi Noviyenty, M.Pd., the head of Unit Pengembangan Bahasa (UPB) in her report said that the workshop was only the begining to introduce TOEFL and TOAFL to STAIN Curup and also an agenda of UPB’s program in developing foreign language competence in STAIN. Even these two tests were familiar already, they were new comers in STAIN Curup. Prof. Safnil told his experiences in giving TOEFL trainning in many universities and government offices not only in Indonesia but also in many countries. He also motivated all participant about the importance of TOEFL. Meanwhile Dr. Muchlis shared his experiences in performing the TOAFL for those who want to continue their education particularly to Middle East countries or taking Arabic knowledge in several universities in Indonesia. He explained that TOAFL and TOEFL are similar in skill of language and only diffrent in language itself. The participant were interested to both speakers because they brought the knowledge briefly by usinng simple presentation. After 3 hours following the talk show, where the participant could ask their problems and requested some tricks in getting high score for the TOEFL and TOAFL, the participant then took the TOEFL (test) at language Laboratory as the implementation of theories presented. Three participants who got highest TOEFL score were given rewards. The highest TOEFL score was 490 went to Ibu Dwi Sulistiawati, the second was Bapak Dody Febriansyah for 470 and the third posisition was Bapak Guntur Gunawan with 450. After presenting the workshop for TOEFL and TOAFL, UPB continued its agenda to socialize the new regulation about TOEFL and TOAFL to the head of all study program in STAIN Curup by helding a consolidation meeting at UPB. This meeting was held in August 13 th 2015. All head of departments and Study Program were involved. The meeting discussed about the consideration in legalizing the TOEFL and TOAFL become one condition for STAIN students before their graduation. Eventhough there was still no consideration about the minimum score for both language tests in 2015, the system and the proses of examination should alway be improved. The meeting finally resulted one agreement that the TOEFL and TOAFL would be continuously given as one of graduation condition in STAIN Curup and in the following year, there should be minimum score standard score) for both tests. The next agenda on TOEFL and TOAFL program was, UPB formed a group discussion consists of all English and Arabic lecturers in STAIN Curup. This group designed the English and Arabic Silabus for English and Arabic Subject for all study program in STAIN curup. The new system which would support TOEFL and TOAFL since the silabus and the material or the lessons were selected from the TOEFL and TOAFL aspects. By this new approach, English and Arabic subject are guided directly to TOEFL and TOAFL. For quite long, these two subjects were handled by the lecturers with many weaknesses. This new system would give UPB an opportunity to maximize the role of these subjects for the students. UPB will handle this new system as in the following diagram: